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Have you considered

long term care


Control the Pace, Place and Future Cost of Care



Better Care Starts with You!

LTC Insurance 101

LTC Insurance 101

LTC Claims Advocacy

LTC Claims Advocacy



Amazing Care Network and Jahnke Consulting are proud to announce a partnership on Long Term Care Insurance. This partnership affords Amazing Care Network members to purchase Long Term Care insurance at a discount. This partnership was developed with the intent of helping more families afford health care and end of life care. Jahnke Consulting, led by Kevin and Linda Jahnke, has been committed to helping clients and their families navigate end of life care and finances for over thirty years.


Click Here for more information about this Special Discount.





"...we’ve learned how important it is to have an advocate who knows the intricacies of the LTC insurance business. They must work on your behalf if you ever expect to receive the payments due you. We were fortunate that Jahnke Consulting & Long Term Care Alliance became our advocate..."


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